6 consejos para publicar tu estudio en SurveyCircle

Elije un título breve y conciso

El título corto de tu estudio es lo primero que verán los demás usuarios de SurveyCircle de tu estudio, tanto en el Survey Ranking y en nuestros correos electrónicos que te informan sobre nuevos estudios. Por lo tanto, debe redactar el título corto de manera que permita a los demás ver de qué trata tu estudio lo más rápidamente posible. Tienes 35 caracteres para resumir el tema de tu encuesta.

Elije un buen título

No olvides redactar el título de tu estudio de forma que permita a los demás entender lo que estás investigando en tu estudio. Lo mejor es describir el tema de tu estudio con la mayor precisión posible dentro de los 70 caracteres disponibles. De este modo, los participantes en el estudio sabrán lo que pueden esperar y, al mismo tiempo, diferenciarás tu estudio de otros con temas similares.

Nota: el título de tu estudio es visible en el Survey Ranking sólo después de abrir los detalles de la encuesta. En la vista estándar del Survey Ranking sólo se puede ver el título corto (ver arriba).

Ejemplo: Tu estudio trata del impacto de los anuncios de barritas de proteínas en el feed de Instagram sobre la intención de compra de barritas de proteínas.

Buen título corto:
Publicidad en Instagram para barritas de proteínas

Menos buen título corto:
Publicidad en redes sociales

Buen título:
Impacto de los anuncios de Instagram en la intención de compra de barritas de proteínas

Menos buen título:
La publicidad en las redes sociales y su influencia en la intención de compra

Consejo: Si no estás seguro de cómo redactar el título corto o el título, no dudes en inspirarte en otros estudios del Survey Ranking.

Selecciona palabras clave significativas

You can tag your study on SurveyCircle by adding keywords. Well-chosen keywords help others better understand to which area of research your study belongs. In addition, your study can be found more easily through relevant keywords – both by using the search bar in the Survey Ranking and on our social media channels.

Our recommendation: Use as many relevant keywords as possible. Try to choose keywords that match your study and that will help your study to be found in search. Of course, you can tag your university, your field of study, or your study program, too.

Please do not include information about raffles and the duration of your survey in the Title, Short Title or in the keywords. You can enter these data in input fields that are specially designed for this purpose.

Indicate the true duration of your survey

You should be as realistic as possible about the time required to fill out your survey. To find out the duration you can ask family and friends to measure the time while taking your survey.

Participating in your study should not take longer than stated by you. Otherwise, it can be frustrating for your participants and may result in a higher drop-out rate. If more than half of the participants claim that the duration you have indicated was not sufficient, the red clock icon will appear next to your survey in the Survey Ranking.

You can adjust the duration of your study at any time – even after the study has been published in the Survey Ranking.

Specify the target audience of your survey

You should specify your target audience as precisely as possible so that no one is screened out while participating in your study. Make sure to keep attributes in mind that may seem obvious to you, but that may not apply to all SurveyCircle users (e.g. owning an Instagram account, having knowledge of the series "Game of Thrones", or having a driver's license).

Insert the Survey Code as redemption link, too

In order to be able to publish your study in the Survey Ranking, you will receive a 16-digit code from us, the so-called Survey Code, which you need to insert on the very last page of your questionnaire. Your participants can copy the Survey Code from your questionnaire and redeem it on the SurveyCircle website to receive points for their participation in your study.

Additionally, we encourage you to insert the Survey Code as a "one-click redemption link" in your questionnaire. With that link your participants can be credited the points for their participation with a single click – which improves the usability of your survey for all members of the SurveyCircle community.

Note: If it’s not possible for you to insert your Survey Code into your questionnaire, let us know. There is a workaround that allows you to still join SurveyCircle and find survey participants.

→ How to find lots of participants for your survey

→ How to create a good questionnaire